Fig. (6). The accuracy of VolCal is independent of the number of blood vessel junctions and the shape of junctions in an MRA.
A) Graphical description of the voxel distribution in edges after skeletonization and the sharing of voxels. The gray boxes show the voxels belonging to 3 different edges associated with a simple blood vessel bifurcation shown in B). In C) the edges overlay the voxels in the different slices to demonstrate the sharing of voxels and the equal division of voxels between the number of edges. D) Relationship of accuracy vs. the number of junctions. The accuracy of VolCal is independent of the number of junctions included in the analysis and thus the equal splitting of the junction area between the number of branches is justified. E) The histogram shows that for most cases VolCal calculates the volume with 95% accuracy. 21 different vessel tree sections were included in this analysis and single data points plotted.