Figure 2.
Distribution of HpnP types in clone libraries and hopanoids from various environments. HpnP sequences generated from each sample were classified by HpnP type in a phylogenetic tree (Supplementary Figure S4). The presence of hpnP or an hpnP type is indicated in blue. Total abundances of hpnP types are reported below each environment. A red outline highlights spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Sample descriptions appear in Supplementary Table 1. Presence of hopanoids was determined for select samples by LC-MS. Abbreviations: Ia, bacteriohopanetetrol; IIa, 2-methylbacteriohopanetetrol; Ib, bacteriohopanepentol; IIb, 2-methylbacteriohopanepentol; Ic, aminobacteriohopnetriol; Id, anhydrobacteriohopanetetrol; Ie, adenosylhopane; and n.d., not detected. Other functionalized hopanoids, including aminohopanoids, were not detected. Methylated hopanoids (IIa and IIb) are highlighted in bold type.