A treatment-naive left supraclavicular nodal metastasis was excised in 2010 and an adjacent non-irradiated nodal metastasis was excised in 2013 (post-treatment with ipilimumab and local RT). The immunologic characteristics of the two specimens were compared (A). An H&E stain demonstrated lymphocytic infiltration largely confined to perivascular areas in the 2010 biopsy specimen (A, top left panel–black arrow), whereas lymphocytes-infiltrated tumor cell nests in the 2013 biopsy specimen (A, top right panel–white arrow). Rare CD8+ cells were present in the 2010 specimen (A, middle left panel). However, a marked increase in CD8+ and TIA+ (a marker for cytotoxic granules) cells was present in the 2013 specimen (A, middle right panel). The inset demonstrates TIA-1+ cells directly interacting with tumor cells (A, bottom right panel). Cells were counted in 10 randomly selected high power fields (HPFs) (B). CD8+ cells were significantly increased (p<0.0001) in the biopsy from 2013. FoxP3+ cells also increased (p<0.05), but the ratio of CD8+/FoxP3+ cells was higher in the 2013 specimen.