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. 2014 Jan;7(1):41–43.


Summary of cases of pyoderma gangrenosum reported to date involving the auricular area

Case Gender Age of onset (years) Site of first involvement Associated disease Treatment
A6 Female 3 Left retroauricle, neck, lower back, foot Microcytic and hypochromicanaemia PSL 1mg/kg/day Dapsone 2mg/kg/day
B7 Male 3.5 Preauricle Neonatal asphyxia, panhypopituitarism, AIDS Dapsone 12.5mg/day
C6 Male 4 Right retroauricle, neck, lower back Microcytic and hypochromicanaemia PSL 1mg/kg/day Dapsone 2mg/kg/day
D8 Female 23 Auricle Ulcerative colitis Hydrocortisone 500mg/day
E9 Female 29 Periauricle area, cheek oral mucosa, leg None Dapsone 100mg/day plus mPSL 100mg/day IV plus intralesional triamcinolone 20mg/week
F* Male 43 Retroauricle (bilateral) None Clofazimine 100mg/day PS 60mg/day
G10 Female 58 Auricle (conchae) Perirectal fistula, ulcerative colitis, sclerosing cholangitis Cyclosporine 10mg/kg/day
H5 Male 59 Auricle (lobe) None PSL 40mg/day
I9 Male 64 Retroauricle Perirectal fistula Myelofibrosis, diabetes PSL 80mg/day
J11 Male 65 Auricle (pinna) mellitus PSL 40mg/day

PSL=prednisolone; PS=prednisone; mPSL=methylprednisolone; *=case reported herein