Figure 3. TSCs are tiled, and a single TSC can host axonal endings from multiple, physiologically distinct LTMR subtypes.
(A and B) On back hairy skin sections taken from Plp1CreER;Confetti animals, TSCs are randomly labeled with either green or red fluorescence. Neighboring TSCs at both guard (labeled with ‘G’ in B) and non-guard (A) hair follicles are tiled, exhibiting no overlapping processes. This experiment was done using 109 non-guard hair follicles and 23 guard hair follicles in two animals, all of which exhibited mosaic fluorescence labeling. 100% of these hair follicles exhibited tiled arrangements of TSCs at individual hair follicles. (C and C′) On back hairy skin sections from ThCreER;Rosa26tdTomato;TrkBtauEGFP mice, C-LTMRs were labeled with tdTomato fluorescence (red), Aδ-LTMRs were labeled with anti-GFP (green) and TSCs were stained with anti-S100 (cyan). Shown here is an example in which C-LTMR and Aδ-LTMR endings associate with different processes of the same TSC at a zigzag or awl/auchene hair follicle. Thus, a single TSC hosts more than one type of LTMR axonal terminal. Four mice were used for the triple labeling experiment and identical results were observed in each. C′ shows higher magnification of the TSC in the middle of the lanceolate complex shown in C. Scale bars, 20 μm for A and B, 10 μm in C, 5 μm in C′. Animals around 3 weeks of age were used for these experiments.