Megakaryocytes cultured on different SCl-Fn recombinant collagens. A, human mature MK were plated on two different SCl-Fn constructs: SCl-FnG769-R789, which did not bind Fn, and SCl-FnG769-R792, which did bind Fn. SCl-Fn-coated plates were preincubated with human cellular fibronectin prior to cell plating. After 16 h, MK showed higher adhesion and proplatelet formation on SCl-FnG769-R792 (right panel) compared with SCl-FnG769-R789 (left panel). In parallel controls were performed by seeding MK on uncoated and bovine type II collagen-coated plates. Arrows show proplatelet bearing MK. Scale bar = 100 μm. B, adherent cells were counted by phase-contrast microscopy (magnification ×40). Reported results are the mean ± S.D. of at least 10 randomly chosen fields in three independent experiments.