Kinetics of the reaction of MtAhpE-SOH with the nucleophilic thiol in MtMrx1CXXA. A, oxidized MtAhpE (1 μm) was incubated with MtMrx1CXXA (25 μm), aliquots were taken at different incubation times and the reaction was stopped by addition of 10% TCA. Samples were evaluated on a CBB-stained 15% SDS-PAGE. B, time-dependent increase of the relative band intensity of the mixed disulfide shown in A, expressed as MtAhpE-SS-MtMrx1/MtMrx1CXXA. MtMrx1CXXA in concentrations of more than 10 times excess remain constant, and was used as protein load control. The continuous line shows the best fit to an exponential curve. C, effect of increasing MtMrx1CXXA concentrations on the observed rate constants of intermolecular disulfide formation.