Correlation of A5780G genotypes with PLCε mRNA, total protein and enzyme activity levels in SCC cell lines. (A) Quantitative determination of PLCε mRNA levels in SCC cell lines (n = 13) by qRT-PCR. Bars represent the mean ± SD for each tumor type. **P < 0.01. (B) A representative of immunoblotting showed that PLCE1 protein levels were higher in AG cell lines (TE-2 and TE-7) and were lower in AA cell lines (TE-8 and TE-12), using specific anti-PLCε antibody. Histograms showed immunoblotting intensities quantified by Quanty One software (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA). *P < 0.02, overall (average) intensity of PLCE1 protein in AG cell lines in comparison with those in AA cell lines. (C) PLCε enzymatic activity was determined by measurement of [3H] inositol triphosphate in esophageal cancer cells with AA and AG alleles. Endogenous PLCε baseline activity (gray bars) was nearly twice as high in the two AG cell lines (TE-2 and TE-7) than those in the two AA cell lines (TE-8 and TE-12) (76 ± 20 vs. 42 ± 7, P < 0.05). LPA was used as a ligand to stimulate PLCε activity, and PLCε activities were significantly induced (black bars). Bars represent the mean ± SD for three replicates of experiments performed. *P < 0.001, compared to individual cell line without LPA treatment.