Table 1.
Neurocognitive test | Acronym | Memory domain |
Alphabet task | AT | Executive function |
Benton visual retention test | BVRT | Visuospatial memory |
Boston naming test | BNT | Verbal fluency (semantic memory) |
Buschke selective reminding test | BSRT | Verbal learning and verbal memory |
California verbal learning test | CVLT | Verbal learning and memory |
Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery | CANTAB | Verbal and visual memory, learning, working memory, executive function |
– ST: paired associate learning test | – CANTAB-PAL | – Visual associative memory and learning |
– ST: rapid visual information processing task | – CANTAB-RVIPT | – Working memory |
– ST: spatial span | – CANTAB-SS | – Spatial memory span |
– ST: spatial working memory | – CANTAB-SWM | – Spatial working memory |
– ST: one-touch stockings of cambridge | – CANTAB-OTSC | – Working memory |
Controlled oral word association test | COWAT | Verbal fluency (semantic memory) |
Delayed matching to sample | DMTS | Visual memory and working memory |
Delayed recall | DR | Long-term episodic memory |
Digit recall task | DRT | Visual memory |
Digit span task | DSP | Working memory |
Digit symbol substitution task | DSST | Visual memory |
Face–name pair learning | FNPL | Verbal learning |
Hopkins verbal learning test | HVLT | Verbal learning and memory |
MicroCog: assessment of cognitive functioning | MicroCog | Logical memory and working memory |
N-back task | N-BACK | Working memory |
Omitted numbers | ON | Working memory |
Paced auditory serial addition test | PASAT | Working memory |
Repeated acquisition task | RAT | Learning |
Perceptual priming task | PPT | Implicit memory |
Pictorial memory task | PMT | Associative memory and retrieval |
Prose recall | PR | Verbal memory |
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test | RAVLT | Verbal learning and memory |
Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test | CFT | Visuospatial memory |
Short-delay response task | SDRT | Working memory |
Spatial working memory task | SWMT | Spatial working memory |
Subtracting serial sevens | SS7 | Working memory |
Sternberg memory task | SMT | Working memory |
Tower of London | TOL | Executive function |
Verbal fluency task | VFT | Semantic memory |
Verbal memory task | VMT | Verbal memory |
Wechsler memory scale | WMS | Memory function |
Wechsler adult intelligence scale (processing speed index) | WAIS-PS | Working memory |
Wechsler adult intelligence scale (working memory index) | WAIS-WM | Working memory |
Wechsler adult intelligence scale (verbal comprehension index) | WAIS-VC | Verbal memory |
Wisconsin card sorting test | WCST | Executive function, working memory |
Word recognition task | WRT | Verbal memory |
Abbreviation: ST, subtest.