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. 2013 Jan 23;4:11–27. doi: 10.2147/SAR.S25869

Table 1.

Memory tests

Neurocognitive test Acronym Memory domain
Alphabet task AT Executive function
Benton visual retention test BVRT Visuospatial memory
Boston naming test BNT Verbal fluency (semantic memory)
Buschke selective reminding test BSRT Verbal learning and verbal memory
California verbal learning test CVLT Verbal learning and memory
Cambridge neuropsychological test automated battery CANTAB Verbal and visual memory, learning, working memory, executive function
– ST: paired associate learning test – CANTAB-PAL – Visual associative memory and learning
– ST: rapid visual information processing task – CANTAB-RVIPT – Working memory
– ST: spatial span – CANTAB-SS – Spatial memory span
– ST: spatial working memory – CANTAB-SWM – Spatial working memory
– ST: one-touch stockings of cambridge – CANTAB-OTSC – Working memory
Controlled oral word association test COWAT Verbal fluency (semantic memory)
Delayed matching to sample DMTS Visual memory and working memory
Delayed recall DR Long-term episodic memory
Digit recall task DRT Visual memory
Digit span task DSP Working memory
Digit symbol substitution task DSST Visual memory
Face–name pair learning FNPL Verbal learning
Hopkins verbal learning test HVLT Verbal learning and memory
MicroCog: assessment of cognitive functioning MicroCog Logical memory and working memory
N-back task N-BACK Working memory
Omitted numbers ON Working memory
Paced auditory serial addition test PASAT Working memory
Repeated acquisition task RAT Learning
Perceptual priming task PPT Implicit memory
Pictorial memory task PMT Associative memory and retrieval
Prose recall PR Verbal memory
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test RAVLT Verbal learning and memory
Rey-Osterrieth complex figure test CFT Visuospatial memory
Short-delay response task SDRT Working memory
Spatial working memory task SWMT Spatial working memory
Subtracting serial sevens SS7 Working memory
Sternberg memory task SMT Working memory
Tower of London TOL Executive function
Verbal fluency task VFT Semantic memory
Verbal memory task VMT Verbal memory
Wechsler memory scale WMS Memory function
Wechsler adult intelligence scale (processing speed index) WAIS-PS Working memory
Wechsler adult intelligence scale (working memory index) WAIS-WM Working memory
Wechsler adult intelligence scale (verbal comprehension index) WAIS-VC Verbal memory
Wisconsin card sorting test WCST Executive function, working memory
Word recognition task WRT Verbal memory

Abbreviation: ST, subtest.