Table 3.
Author | Subjects | Age in years (M) | Age of onset of use (M) | Cannabis use in years (M) | Joints [episodes]/lifetime (M) | Joints/month (M) | Days of use/month (M) | Abstinence period | Controlled confoundera | Memory testsb | |
Former cannabis users (history of cannabis use, ≤ 12 joints in the last 3 months) | |||||||||||
Pope73 | n = 45 | 41 | NR | 15 (median) | 11,000 (median) | ≤2 last 3 months | NR | 7 days | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G, IQ | BVRT″ BSRT″ |
Fried et al74 | n = 16 | 18 | 14 | 2.2 | 2203 | 0 | NR | Day of testing (NS) | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G, SES | WAIS-PS″ WMS″ |
Current regular cannabis users (<30 joints/month or <20 days/month or <2000 joints/lifetime) | |||||||||||
Jager et al77 (fMRI) | n = 10 | 23 | NR | 7.1 | 1300 (median) | NR | NR | 1 week | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, A, G, IQ | SMT″ | |
Jager et al78 (fMRI) | n = 20 | 25 | NR | NR | 1900 (median) | NR | NR | NU | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, A, G, IQ | PMT″ | |
Grant et al111 | n = 16 | 22 | NR | NR | NR | NR | 12 | NR | DU, PC, A, G, SES, E | CANTAB-OTSC* | CANTAB-RVIPT″ CANTAB-SWM″ |
Harvey et al113 | n = 34 | 16 | NR | NR | NR | 12 (median) | 12 (median) | 12 hours | DU, PC, A, G | CANTAB-RVIPT* CANTAB-SWM* RAVLT* |
Current heavy cannabis users (≥30 joints/month or ≥20 days/month or ≥2000 joints/lifetime) | |||||||||||
Kanayama et al96 (fMRI) | n = 12 | 38 | NR | NR | 19,200 | ≥28 | NR | NR | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, G, E | SDRT″ | |
Smith et al112 (fMRI) | n = 10 | 20 | NR | 4.6 | 2697 | 46 | NR | <5 hours | DU, PC, IQ, PF | N-BACK″ | |
Messinis et al83 | n = 20 | 24 | NR | 7 | NR | ≥16 | 21 | 123 hours (M) | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, G, IQ, E | RAVLT* VFT* |
BNT″ |
Solowij et al33 | n = 51 | 29 | NR | 10.2 | NR | NR | 27 | 17 hours (M) | DU, PC, A, G, IQ | RAVLT″ WCST″ AT″ ON″ PASAT″ |
Fontes et al82 | n = 55 | 30 | 19 | 10.9 | 6790 | 51 | NR | 4.1 days (M) | PC, MC, A, IQ, E | WCST* | WAIS-VC″ |
Bolla et al30 | n = 7 | 21 | NR | 5.3 | NR | 375 | NR | 28 days | DU, PC, A, G, IQ | CFT* PAL* WCST* RAVLT* |
WMS″ |
Short-term cannabis users (<4 years of cannabis use) | |||||||||||
Schweinsburg et al79 (fMRI) | n = 15 | 17 | NR | 3.4 | 310 | NR | 13 | 48 hours | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, A | SWMT″ | |
Schweinsburg et al80 (fMRI) | n = 13 | 17 | NR | 2.3 | 342 | NR | 14 | 3.3 days (M) | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, A, G, IQ, SES | SWMT″ | |
Schweinsburg et al80 (fMRI) | n = 13 | 18 | NR | 2.7 | 515 | NR | 17 | 38 days (M) | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, A, G, IQ, SES | SWMTv | |
Medina92 | n = 31 | 18 | NR | 2.91 | 541 | 57 | NR | 28 days | PC, MC, A, G, SES, E | WMS* | CFT″ CVLT″ |
Fried et al74 | n = 19 | 18 | 16 | 1.8 | 122 | 6 | NR | Day of testing (NS) | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G, SES | WMS″ | |
Block et al109 (PET) | n = 18 | NR | NR | 3.9 | NR | 72 | NR | 16 hours (M) | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G, BV, HW | BSRT* | WAIS-PS″ |
Long-term cannabis users (cannabis use > 15 years) | |||||||||||
Pope73 | n = 63 | 36 | NR | 19 (median) | 18,720 (median) | ≥28 | NR | 7 days | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G, IQ | BSRT* | BVRT″ |
Messinis et al83 | n = 20 | 33 | NR | 15.6 | NR | ≥16 | 20 | ≥24 hours | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, G, IQ, E | BNT* RAVLT* VFT* |
Battisti et al84 | n = 24 | 36 | 17 (median) | 17.0 | NR | 435 (median) | 30 (median) | 12 hours | PC, MC, A, G, E | VMT* | |
Solowij et al33 | n = 51 | 41 | NR | 23.9 | NR | NR | 28 | 17 hours (M) | DU, PC, A, G, IQ | AT* RAVLT* |
Late-onset cannabis users (≥17 age of onset) | |||||||||||
Fontes et al82 | n = 49 | 30 | 21 | 8.7 | 5160 | 45 | NR | 3.8 days (M) | PC, MC, A, IQ, E | WCST″ WAIS-VC″ |
Pope et al85 | n = 63 | 44 | ≥17 | NR | 12,480 (median) | NR | NR | 28 days | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G | WCST* | BSRT″ BVRT″ WMS″ |
Early-onset cannabis users (<17 age of onset) | |||||||||||
Solowij et al31 | n = 52 | 19 | 16 | 2.4 | NR | 17.5 | 14 (median) | 20 hours (median) | DU, PC, G, IQ, E | RAVLT* | |
Fried et al74 | n = 19 | 18 | 15 | 2.6 | 1884 | 12.4 | NR | Day of testing (NS) | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G, SES | WAIS-PS* WMS* |
Hanson et al75 | n = 19 | 18 | 16 | NR | 465 | NR | 16 | 3 days | PC, MC, A, G, IQ, SES | HVLT* WAIS-WM* |
Ashtari et al97 (MRI) | n = 14 | 19 | 13 | 5.3 | NR | 174 | NR | 6.7 months (M) | DU, PC, A, G, IQ, SES, BV | CVLT″ | |
Nestor et al138 | n = 35 | 22 | 16.5 | 5.7 | NR | NR | 23 | 15 hours (M) | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, A, G, IQ | FNPL* | |
Gruber et al32 | n = 34 | 23 | 15.5 | 7.24 | ≥2500 | 77 | NR | 12 hours | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, A, IQ | WCST* | CFT″ CVLT″ COWAT″ |
Pope et al85 | n = 69 | 36 | <17 | NR | 17,368 (median) | NR | NR | 28 days | DU, PC, PsyM, A, G | BSRT* WCST* |
Jager et al102 (fMRI) | n = 21 | 17 | 13 | NR | 4006 | NR | NR | 5.1 weeks (M) | DU, PC, MC, PsyM, IQ | PMT″ SMT″ |
Poorer performance when compared to noncannabis users;
no differences in performance when compared to noncannabis users;
controlled though exclusion, matching, or statistical methods;
see Table 1.
Abbreviations: M, mean; n, number; NR, not reported; DU, other drug use; PC, psychiatric condition; PsyM, psychoactive medication; A, age; G, gender; IQ, Intelligence Quotient; BVRT, Benton Visual Retention Test; BSRT, Buschke Selective Reminding Test; NS, not further specified; SES, socioeconomic status; WAIS-PS, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Processing Speed Index); WMS, Wechsler Memory Scale; MC, medical condition; SMT, Sternberg Memory Task; NU, negative urine toxicology; PMT, pictorial memory task; E, education; CANTAB-OTSC, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery One-Touch Stockings of Cambridge; CANTAB-RVIPT, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery rapid visual information processing task; CANTAB-SWM, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery Spatial Working Memory; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test; CANTAB-SS, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery spatial span; WAIS-WM, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Working Memory Index); CANTAB-PAL, Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery Paired Associate Learning Test; SDRT, short-delay response task; PF, personality factors; N-BACK, N-back task; VFT, verbal fluency task; BNT, Boston naming test; WCST, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test; AT, alphabet task; ON, omitted numbers; PASAT, Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test; WAIS-VC, Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Verbal Comprehension Index); CFT, Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test; PAL, paired associate learning test; SWMT, spatial working memory task; CVLT, California Verbal Learning Test; PET, positron emission tomography study; BV, brain volume; HW, height and weight; VMT, verbal memory task; HVLT, Hopkins Verbal Learning Test; MRI, magnetic resonance imaging study; FNPL, face–name pair learning; COWAT, controlled oral word association test; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging study.