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. 2013 Feb 14;40(2):300–313. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbs199
1. Imagine you receive a letter and you notice it is not sealed. I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Someone has deliberately opened this letter already
B: I wonder if this may have been opened again after it was written
C: I don’t think anything of it
2. Imagine that you are walking down the street when you hear your name being called, but when you look around you don’t see anybody. I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Something strange is going on
B: There is something really dangerous about this
C: I must be imagining things
3. Imagine your food tastes different from usual.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Someone may have done something to my food on purpose
B: This food must have been prepared with a different ingredient today
C: Someone has deliberately spiked my food
4. Imagine that on your way to work you notice that all the traffic lights turn red as you approach them.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: It’s going to take me longer to get in this morning
B: That’s all I need, I’m going to be really late now
C: My day is going to be ruined
5. Imagine you are standing at a bus stop when the bus you have been waiting for drives past half empty without stopping.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: People are always so nasty
B: People aren’t very nice sometimes
C: The driver must be in a bad mood today
6. Imagine you have a really bad pain in your head.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: There must be something wrong with me
B: There’s lots of different reasons why I might have this pain
C: I must have something really serious, like a brain tumour
7. Imagine that while on the bus you notice a stranger staring at you.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: The way this person is staring at me is a bit worrying
B: This person must mean me harm to be staring at me that way
C: This person is being really rude to be staring at me in that way
8. Imagine you are sitting at home and suddenly you feel very odd.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I wonder why I feel odd, could something sinister be going on somewhere
B: This feeling is proof that there is something bad happening somewhere to someone I know
C: I must be overtired or something
9. Imagine you applied for a job and did not get it.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Perhaps I can get some feedback about why I did not get the job
B: I wonder if I did not do very well at the interview
C: I’ll never be able to get a job
10. Imagine that you are on a train when you suddenly have a strong feeling you have been there before.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: This is some kind of premonition that something awful has happened or will happen
B: I wonder whether this is some kind of premonition
C: This is a weird, but common experience
11. Imagine you get turned down to go out by someone you like or a friend. I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I quite often get rejected in this situation
B: You win some, you lose some
C: I always get rejected for anything I try
12. Imagine that one day you enter a shop and you hear people laughing.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: They must be laughing at me
B: I wonder if they are laughing at me
C: The laughing is probably nothing to do with me
13. Imagine there are police cars outside your house. You suddenly realise you feel uncomfortable. I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Funny how just seeing the police has this unsettling effect on people
B: I wonder why I feel so uncomfortable, could the cars be something to do with me
C: I must have done something wrong to feel so uncomfortable, they’ve come to get me
14. Imagine you are watching television, and suddenly the screen goes blank.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Weird things are always happening
B: This sort of thing seems to happen quite a lot
C: There must be something wrong with the TV today
15. Imagine two people in a queue at a supermarket both look your way at the same time and then immediately start to talk to each other. I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: This is not the first time this has happened
B: This sort of thing can happen in queues
C: This always happens wherever I go
16. Imagine you are waiting in a café for an acquaintance to arrive, and you suddenly feel a strange shivery feeling inside.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Feeling shivery is a bad omen, I don’t think I should meet this person
B: I must be nervous about meeting this person
C: I wonder if feeling shivery means something bad might happen
17. Imagine you think you see a shadowy figure moving across the wall of an empty room.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I wonder what that was
B: My eyes must be playing tricks on me
C: There must have been someone or something there
18. Imagine that the phone rings. When you answer, the other party hangs up.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I wonder if there’s something suspicious about this
B: Somebody is definitely checking up on me
C: Someone’s probably got the wrong number
19. Imagine you are watching the news on TV about a recent disaster, and you find yourself feeling guilty.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: If I feel guilty I must be responsible in some way
B: It’s normal to feel guilty when a disaster has happened to someone else
C: I wonder why I feel guilty, maybe I’m unwittingly responsible in some way
20. Imagine you are listening to the radio and suddenly there is crackling interference.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Someone has deliberately tampered with my radio so that it is no longer tuned properly
B: I wonder if someone has been fiddling with my radio
C: There is some sort of interference on the radio waves
21. Imagine that you are sitting on a train, and you think you can hear two people behind you talking about you. When you look round they are reading their papers and not talking to each other.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: They were definitely talking about me, they’re just pretending to be reading their paper
B: I’m sure I heard them talking about me, maybe I was wrong
C: I should find out if anyone else ever has this kind of experience before deciding what really happened
22. Imagine you are at home; everything is quiet when you hear a sudden fast banging on the walls.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: The neighbours are doing this deliberately to upset me
B: The neighbours could be doing some kind of home improvements
C: The neighbours might be trying to tell me something
23. Imagine you a reading a newspaper or magazine, and you read an article which has some special relevance to you.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: This article seems to have been written with people like me in mind
B: I wonder if someone may have written this article for me
C: Someone has definitely written this article for me specifically
24. Imagine you notice that a person you don’t know is looking at you. You suddenly find yourself feeling unsettled.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Feeling this unsettled means this person intends to do me harm
B: I wonder why I feel this unsettled, could this mean this person is thinking bad things about me
C: Being looked at can make people feel unsettled, I don’t worry about it
25. Imagine that one evening you are sitting at home alone when a door suddenly slams by itself in another room.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: Someone or something must have got into the house
B: I wonder if somebody or something’s there
C: It’s probably a draught
26. Imagine someone you know calls you just as you were thinking about them. As you pick up the phone you suddenly realise you are feeling upset.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: It’s odd that I should feel upset, but I don’t read too much into it
B: I wonder why I feel upset, could there be something peculiar about this call
C: Feeling upset means something, it must be bad news
27. Imagine you are walking down the road when you suddenly notice a careers poster which seems to stand out from your surroundings. I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I wonder why my eyes seem so drawn to that poster
B: Maybe I’m noticing it because my career isn’t such a success
C: It’s a sign that my life is such a failure
28. Imagine you are on a bus; the driver keeps stopping abruptly, so that you stumble each time.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I wonder if he’s doing it on purpose to wind people up
B: This bus driver can’t drive properly
C: He’s doing it on purpose to humiliate me
29. Imagine you hear that a friend is having a party and you have not been invited.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I wonder if they don’t like me as much as I thought they did
B: Perhaps I can try to find out a bit more about the situation before making any assumptions
C: They obviously don’t like me
30. Imagine you are dozing on the sofa in front of the TV and you suddenly wake up startled.I am most likely to think: (please circle A, B, or C) A: I tend to always wake up startled when I’m dozing
B: The TV must have woken me
C: I can never get any sleep

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