Figure 2.
Results of nanometric intrinsic fluctuations (NIF). Results of nanometric intrinsic fluctuations (NIF) showing the effect of O3 under expeosure conditions of CF air (top row, ( A-C )), 120 nl l-1 (middle row, ( D-F )), and 240 nl l-1 (bottom row, ( G-I )) of O3 obtained on day 1 (leftmost column, (A, D, G)), day 2 (middle column, (B, E, H)) and day 3 (rightmost column, ( C, F, I )). In figure, the durations ‘Before’, ‘Within’, and ‘After’ correspond to CF air before O3 exposure, within the exposure, and CF air after the exposure, respectively, and are shown by separating with broken lines.