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. 2014 Feb 24;4:4159. doi: 10.1038/srep04159

Figure 1. Nanoscale resolution of callose polymer fibrils in pathogen-induced cell wall deposits.

Figure 1

A. thaliana wild-type and pathogen-resistant PMR4-overexpressing lines (35S::PMR4-GFP) were inoculated with G. cichoracearum. (a), Disease phenotype at 7 d post-inoculation (dpi). (b), Micrographs of pathogen-induced callose deposits in epidermal leaf cells 6 hpi. Callose stained with aniline blue fluorochrome (ABF). c: conidium, cd: callose deposit. Scale bars = 50 μm. (c), Merged brightfield and epi-fluorescence micrographs of callose at sites of attempted fungal penetration 6 hpi. agt: appressorial germ tube, c: conidium, cd: callose deposit. Scale bars = 10 μm. (d), High-resolution, confocal laser-scanning micrographs of ABF-stained callose. co: core of callose deposit, fi: field of callose. Scale bars = 2 μm. (e–f), Localisation microscopy of ABF-stained callose fibrils in pathogen-induced deposits. 3D intensity plots highlight network formation of callose fibrils. (e), Overview of callose macrofibril orientation. Scale bars = 2 μm. (f), Nanoscale network of callose microfibrils. Scale bars = 50 nm.