Figure 2.
Aortic stenosis (AS) severity and biomarkers plotted in 66 AS patients (closed circles) and 21 aortic valve replacement patients (open circles). Cutoff gradient values are dashed lines for severe AS (>40 mm Hg) and moderate AS (25-40 mm Hg). Blue circles indicate patients with no loss of high-molecular-weight multimer (HMWM) and red circles indicate HMWM loss. A, von Willebrand factor multimer (VWF:mult) ratio. B, Platelet function analyzer collagen plus adenosine diphosphate (PFA-CADP) closure time. C, Ratio of von Willebrand factor latex agglutination immunoturbidic activity to von Willibrand factor antigen (VWF:Ltx/VWF:Ag). D, Brain nutriuretic peptide (BNP) level plotted on a base 2 log scale.