Figure 2.
TMS-induced RT lags during Spatial and Identity tasks. (a) Schematic illustration of the approximate TMS coil center locations during bilateral anterior vs. posterior stimulation. (b) Estimated marginal means and standard errors of RT lags derived from the linear mixed model, with the different stimulation latencies pooled together (N=10). These data show a significant interaction between the task and TMS target factors, suggesting brain location-specific performance modulations during auditory Identity vs. Spatial tasks. This result provides causal support for the theory of two distinct AC areas for sound identity and location processing 1, 2, which has previously been suggested in humans based on neuroimaging activation studies. ††† PMCMC = 0.001, task by target location interaction of the linear mixed model; * P < 0.05, a priori comparison of task-specific effects across the TMS target loci derived from the linear mixed model.