Figure 7.
Adaptive activity based approach for controlling movement. (a) The firing rate and corresponding spike time indicators (immediately blow the x-axis) of a single selected pre-motor neuron recorded over two individual trials aligned to target presentation for two different targets. The vertical bars indicate the time during which the firing rate of the neuron reached the top threshold (left, blue) and bottom threshold (right, red; see Methods for further detail on threshold definition). The arrows indicate the time of stimulation and mapped elicited limb movement for each trial. (b) Behavioral performance and 99% confidence bounds over successive trials witihin a session (100% performance indicates that the primates correctly selected and spatially reached the displayed target on all trials). (c) Example of the normalized firing activities (averaged firing rate within successive 1000 ms windows divided by the mean firing rate across the entire session) of a selected (green) and a non-selected (purple) pre-motor neuron recorded over a single representative session.