Biochemical interaction analysis. (A) Domain organization of ctNup53 and ctNic96. C, C-terminal segment; H, amphipathic helix; H1, Helix 1; H2, Helix 2; N, N-terminal segment; RRM, RNA-recognition motif domain; U, unstructured segment. Black bars highlight fragments used for interaction analysis. SEC analysis of ctNup192NTD with ctNup53N (B) or ctNic96H2 (C). SEC analysis of ctNup192CTD with ctNup53N (D) or ctNic96H2 (E). (F) SEC analysis of Kap-α with ctNup53N. (G) SEC analysis of competitive binding between Kap-α•ctNup53N and ctNup192NTD. Gray bars and colored lines designate the analyzed fractions in the respective SDS/PAGE gels stained with Coomassie brilliant blue (Fig. S5 B–E, G, and H).