AgOrco protein expression in spermatozoa. IHC labeling of spermatozoa with an Orco antibody. (A) Left, anti-Orco (green); Center, anti–α-tubulin (blue); Right, overlay of green and blue signals (cyan) plus propidium iodide (magenta). (B) Left, anti-Orco preincubated with AgOr18 peptide (green); Center, anti–α-tubulin (blue); Right, overlay of green and blue signals (cyan) plus propidium iodide (magenta). (C) Left, anti-Orco preincubated with Orco-specific peptide (green); Center, anti–α-tubulin (blue); Right, overlay of green and blue signals (cyan) plus propidium iodide (magenta). Scale bar in C applies to all images.