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Table 3. Characteristics of the Participants in the MBCT (n = 14) and TAU (n = 13) Groups at Pretreatment.

Status MBCT TAU Statistic p Note. MBCT = mindfulness-based cognitive therapy; TAU = treatment as usual; BDI–II = Beck Depression Inventory II. Gender (male/female), n 4/10 5/8 χ2(26) = 0.30 ns Mean (SD) age (years) 42.07 (11.34) 41.69 (9.90) t(25) = 0.09 ns Living situation (cohabitating/alone), n 7/7 7/6 χ2(26) = 0.04 ns Employment (full time/not full time), n 9/5 7/6 χ2(26) = 0.30 ns Mean (SD) education (years) 16.38 (3.04) 15.15 (3.31) t(24) = 1.14 ns Mean (SD) BDI–II score 30.35 (9.93) 32.37 (11.18) t(25) = −0.50 ns