Table 1.
Same or Similar Disease Concepts as Pleuroparenchymal Fibroelastosis
Chronic idiopathic pneumonia [5] 1962 Idiopathic cavitation of lung [6] 1966 Idiopathic progressive pulmonary fibrosis [3] 1975 Pulmonary upper lobe fibrocystic changes [7] 1978 Upper lobe fibrosis and cavitation [44] 1980 pulmonary apical fibrocystic disease [8] 1981 idiopathic progressive pleuropulmonary fibrosis [9] 1984 Apical pulmonary fibrosis [37] 1988 Idiopathic pulmonary upper lobe fibrosis [10] 1992 Marked pulmonary fibrosis in the upper lung field [12] 1999 Marked pulmonary fibrosis in the upper lobe [13] 1999 Upper lobe fibrosis [36, 41] 2003, 2005 Upper lobe-dominat pulmonary fibrosis [20] 2010 |