Long-term extra-intestinal inflammatory responses in C. jejuni B2
infected infant mice. Infant mice 3 weeks of age were infected with C.
jejuni B2 right after weaning. Paraffin sections of ex
vivo biopsies taken from livers (upper panel), lungs (middle panel), and
kidneys (lower panel) at day 103 p.i. (right panel) were HE-stained as described in
the section Materials and methods. Uninfected infant mice (left panel) served as
negative controls. Representative photomicrographs from three independent experiments
are shown (×200 magnification, scale bar 50 μm). Lymphocytes infiltrating the
periportal field (solid white arrow, upper right), the liver parenchyma (solid black
arrow, upper right), and the glomerular kidney tubuli (solid black arrows, lower
right) are indicated. Solid black arrows in the lung (middle right) point toward
apoptotic cells