Domain organization of the three different C. jejuni
Tlp-chemoreceptor groups: group A receptors are anchored by
membrane-spanning regions in the inner and obviously also in the outer
membrane, have a periplasmic sensory and a cytoplasmic signalling
domain; the only group B receptor Tlp9 (CetA), anchored in the inner
membrane, interacts with CetB triggering pyruvate and fumarate signals
[84]; group C
chemoreceptors consist of a single cytoplasmic signalling domain; the
cytoplasmic Tlp7c (encoded by cj0951c) receptor is
assigned to group C, while it was shown that there is no read-through
mechanism [77], whereas the
membrane associated forms Tlp7m (encoded by cj0952c)
and Tlp7mc (encoded by cjj81176-0975 according to the
nomenclature of the 81-176 sequence) are assigned to group A (depiction
modified after Marchant et al. [30])