Knockdown of 5-HT1A receptor in IPCs or globally increases sensitivity to starvation. Using the same experimental conditions, we tested lifespan at starvation with another Gal4 driver that includes the IPCs and a 5-HT1A mutant. a The enhancer trap Gal4 OK107 includes the IPCs in its expression pattern [23] and was used here to drive UAS-5-HT1ARi. The lifespan of OK107-5-HT1ARi flies is significantly reduced at starvation (p < 0.0001 to both controls, Log rank test, Mantel-Cox; n= 84–121 for each genotype, experiment run in two replicates). b Heterozygous 5-HT1A mutant flies also display significantly reduced survival at starvation compared to wild-type (w1118) and controls (p < 0.0001 to wild-type controls; n = 165 for each genotype, experiment run in three replicates)