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. 2014 Feb 10;2014:181593. doi: 10.1155/2014/181593

Table 3.

Univariate analysis of risk factors for mortality.

Variable Number Relative risk CI Significance
 Age > 50 years 8/18 1.99 1.05–3.75 0.04*
 Male sex 12/32 1.08 0.55–2.13 0.50
 Illness duration < 1 week 20/54 1.296 0.38–4.39 0.66
Risk factors
 Smoking 8/16 1.60 0.83–3.09 0.17
 Alcohol 7/14 1.56 0.82–3.06 0.21
 Smoking + alcohol 7/12 1.90 1.00–3.60 0.07*
 Comorbidities 14/26 2.35 1.16–4.76 0.013*
 Infection 17/46 1.10 0.49–2.49 0.52
 Prior hospitalization 5/7 2.26 1.23–4.18 0.038*
Clinical signs
 Temperature > 100 F 10/21 1.58 0.82–3.04 0.14
 Heart rate > 100 17/42 1.53 0.66–3.55 0.20
 pH < 7.40 14/37 1.13 0.56–2.28 0.46
 TLC > 11 (×103/L) 17/33 2.88 1.22–6.88 0.006*
 Thrombocytopenia < 150 (×103/L) 9/25 0.99 0.50–1.96 0.99
 Serum albumin < 3 g/dL 13/35 1.07 0.54–2.12 0.83
 Nontropical infection 32/46 3.28 0.86–12.47 0.04*
Organ dysfunction
 AKI 14/23 2.89 1.43–5.80 0.002*
 Altered sensorium 20/29 11.03 2.82–43.16 <0.001*
 Direct lung injury 15/45 0.76 0.38–1.52 0.32
 ARDS 38/61 1.92 1.34–2.75 0.001*
 SGOT > 3 times elevation 19/50 1.39 0.49–3.89 0.38
 SGPT > 3 times elevation 20/54 1.29 0.38–4.39 0.50
 APACHE II score > 20 14/61 5.36 2.81–10.22 <0.001*
Hospital course
 ARDS after admission 10/15 2.55 1.39–4.67 0.004*
 Ventilation > 7 days 11/17 2.58 1.39–4.81 0.005*
 Inotrope use 20/29 11.03 2.81–43.16 <0.001*
 CPR 18/19 17.19 2.54–116.11 <0.001*

TLC: total leukocyte count; AKI: acute kidney injury; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; SOFA: sequential organ failure assessment score; APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; SGOT: serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase; SGPT: serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase; CPR: cardiopulmonary resuscitation. *indicates significant P value <0.05