Figure 6. Tamoxifen-dependent overexpression of HYAL1 or injection of HA tetrasaccharides accelerates sensitization of CHS.
(A and B) CHS response after early elicitation (1.5 days after sensitization) in tamoxifen-dependent HYAL1-overexpressing mice (K14CreERT/HYAL1, black bar) compared with acetone/DMSO-treated control mice (K14CreERT/HYAL1, gray bar). The data represent the increase in ear thickness for groups of 4 mice. (C and D) CHS response after early elicitation (1.5 days after sensitization) in mice injected with oligoHA (400 μg, black bar) or PBS (gray bar) subcutaneously at the same time and site of sensitization. The results represent the increase in the ear thickness of groups of 5 mice. Mean ± SEM. ***P < 0.001. Data are representative of 2 independent experiments.