(A) Western blot of Myo10, p53, and actin (loading control) in the indicated cell lines. (B) Western blot of mutant p53–transfected (R175H or R273H) MCF-7 and in HCT-116 p53–/– cells stably expressing mutant p53 (R273H). The number of experiments (n) and the quantification of Myo10 levels relative to the control are shown. (C) PDAC sections from mice expressing mutant p53 (p53R172H) and mice with deleted p53 (p53flox) were stained and quantified (Slidepath software, pixel count) for Myo10 expression. Scale bar: 100 μm. (P = 0.047, Mann Whitney test, n = 5 tumors). (D) Early PanIN (top panels), late PanIN (middle panels), and PDAC (bottom panels) sections were stained for Myo10 and mutant p53 expression. Scale bars: 100 μm. (E) Western blotting of Myo10, p53, and tubulin in human pancreatic cancer cell lines. (F, G) Myo10 expression in MDA-MB-231 cells upon shRNA-mediated mutant p53 silencing and reexpression of shRNA-insensitive R175H p53 or WT p53 (mean ± SEM, n = 4, Mann Whitney test).