Table 2.
Self-reported asthma triggers as ranked by the proportion of participants who have ever experienced the trigger and by how frequently the trigger was reported.
Trigger | % who have ever experienced n = 1202 | Trigger | Frequency (weeks/year) n = 1202 |
Dust or dusting | 72 | Dust or dusting | 18.6 |
Cold, flu, infections, sinusitis | 69 | Smoking (e.g. cigarettes or cigars) | 14.2 |
Coughing | 68 | Coughing | 11.3 |
Smoking (e.g. cigarettes or cigars) | 60 | Exercise | 11.1 |
Smoke | 59 | Vacuum cleaning | 10.1 |
Smog, air pollution | 58 | Perfumes, hairspray or air fresheners | 10.0 |
Exercise | 54 | Animals | 9.6 |
Strong odours | 54 | Smog, air pollution | 9.5 |
Weather changes | 51 | Smoke | 9.0 |
Mould and mould spores | 51 | Emotions | 8.2 |
Animals | 50 | Cleaning products | 8.2 |
Damp places | 48 | Damp places | 8.1 |
Humidity | 48 | Weather changes | 8.0 |
Perfumes, hairspray or air fresheners | 48 | Humidity | 7.9 |
Grass, mowing the lawn, weeds | 47 | Strong odours | 7.6 |
Cold air | 45 | Mould and mould spores | 7.4 |
Emotions | 43 | Cold air | 7.2 |
Cleaning products | 42 | Grass, mowing the lawn, weeds | 6.9 |
Vacuum cleaning | 41 | Lying flat | 6.8 |
Feathers | 40 | Cold, flu, infections, sinusitis | 6.7 |
Air conditioning | 37 | Air conditioning | 5.8 |
Lying flat | 29 | Feathers | 5.4 |
Your work environment | 25 | Your work environment | 4.8 |
Rain | 19 | Rain | 3.4 |
Food, drinks or food colourings | 19 | Food, drinks or food colourings | 3.1 |
Alcohol | 18 | Indigestion or heart burn | 2.8 |
Other medications | 18 | Alcohol | 2.4 |
Indigestion or heart burn | 17 | Aspirin | 2.1 |
Eating out at particular restaurants | 15 | Other medications | 2.0 |
Aspirin | 15 | Eating out at particular restaurants | 1.8 |
Hormonal changes | 14 | Hormonal changes | 1.8 |
Paracetamol | 12 | Paracetamol | 1.6 |