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. 2014 Mar 1;31(5):437–451. doi: 10.1089/neu.2013.3052

Table 4.

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging t-map Activation Peaks Unique to the Verbal and Nonverbal Working Memory Task Conditions Across All Subjects

    Control mTBI
Region BA x y z t x y z t
Verbal working memory condition activation peaks
Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9/46 −26 40 12 6.55
Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9 −32 22 24 5.73 −42 24 26 4.11
Right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9/46 32 48 16 6.18
Right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9 48 26 34 5.82 40 30 28 4.23
Left rostral insula   −30 20 2 7.59 −30 22 2 4.32
Right rostral insula   30 22 0 7.50 34 22 −2 4.13
Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex 32 10 26 26 8.90 4 26 36 5.76
Supplementary motor area   −4 4 58 7.34 8 14 48 5.29
Left premotor 6 −44 −2 44 7.62 −44 4 28 4.60
Right premotor 6 34 −2 50 5.21 38 2 30 3.73*
Left caudate nucleus   −16 −4 16 6.20 −20 −8 20 3.97*
Right caudate nucleus   16 −2 14 4.61 18 2 20 3.39*
Left thalamus   −12 −14 10 6.21 −12 −12 6 4.11
Right thalamus   8 −8 10 4.52 14 −12 8 3.68*
Left superior temporal gyrus 22 −54 −32 4 4.13 −58 −32 −2 3.90*
Left superior parietal lobule 7 −28 −64 54 6.58 −36 −40 34 4.98
Right superior parietal lobule 7 42 −46 48 5.15 40 −46 40 4.96
Left inferior occipital gyrus 19 −40 −68 −4 6.16 −38 −66 −10 4.87
Left inferior occipital gyrus 18 −24 −96 −6 5.51 −26 −92 −6 4.61
Right inferior occipital gyrus 18 34 −86 −2 6.49 26 −94 2 4.78
Nonverbal working memory condition activation peaks
Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9/46 −26 42 12 5.12 −30 50 12 3.18*
Left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9 −34 22 24 5.54
Right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 9 46 30 32 5.29 42 34 22 3.82*
Left rostral insula   −30 22 4 8.04 −30 20 4 5.15
Right rostral insula   30 22 2 9.69 32 22 4 4.88
Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex 32 6 20 42 9.60 6 20 42 5.64
Supplementary motor area   −6 4 56 7.54 8 14 48 6.02
Left premotor 6 −50 −2 42 6.79 −42 4 32 4.14
Right premotor 6 34 −2 50 5.66 34 −4 52 4.43
Left caudate nucleus   −18 −2 18 5.84
Left thalamus   −8 −18 12 4.72
Right thalamus   6 −14 14 5.54 8 −20 14 4.51
Left superior parietal lobule 7 −28 −62 50 6.86
Right superior parietal lobule 7 28 −62 52 4.93 32 −70 34 4.55
Left fuiform gyrus 37 −34 −54 −14 6.74 −36 −50 −18 5.96
Right fusiform gyrus 37 36 −50 −18 6.11 30 −50 −18 4.91
Left inferior occipital gyrus 19 −40 −76 −8 7.51 −38 −74 −14 4.66
Left inferior occipital gyrus 18 −30 −86 −6 6.86 −42 −90 0 4.77
Right inferior occipital gyrus 19 32 −72 −14 6.43 36 −76 −10 4.19
Right inferior occipital gyrus 18 40 −80 −6 6.52 44 −78 −2 6.79
Left primary visual cortex 17 −16 −100 2 6.22 −18 −100 −4 3.35*
Right primary visual cortex 17 16 −100 12 5.68 14 −100 0 4.07

t threshold = 4.10, p < 0.05 corrected; *nonsignificant trend.

BA, Brodmann area; mTBI, mild traumatic brain injury.