Figure 7.
A, typical traces from two DGCs firing in response to 1 s-long depolarizing current injection (0.15 nA) at a clamped membrane potential of –77 mV. Compared to control conditions (black), 100 nm apamin (red) and 10 μm XE991 (green) increased the firing frequency response of each cell. B, representative examples comparing the voltage responses to –50 pA steps at subthreshold potential of –62 mV between control (black) and apamin (red) or XE991 (green). C, f–I plots of the DGC responses in experiments as shown in A (n = 6, Apamin; n = 6, XE991). The firing frequencies were augmented after 100 nm apamin or 10 μm XE991. D, averaged firing frequencies measured within 100 ms time windows during 1 s, 0.15 nA current pulses. Apamin (top panel) significantly increased the firing frequency during the first 200 ms of the pulse without affecting the late phase of the response. However, XE991 (bottom panel) increased the frequency during the whole 1 s response, including the late phase. E, time course of the Rinput measured in B showing no significant changes over time and after apamin (top) application. However, XE991 increased the Rinput (bottom).