Each IIEF-5 domain was scored from 0 to 5 or 1 to 5: 0, the absence of sexual activity; 1, very low/almost never or never/extremely difficult; 2, low/a few times/very difficult; 3, moderate/sometimes/difficult; 4, high/most times/slightly difficult; and 5, very high/almost always or always/not difficult; the total IIEF-5 score was calculated by totaling and taking the mean of the responses to all 5 domains of IIEF-5. The total IIEF-5 ranged from 1 to 25: 1 to 7, severe ED; 8 to 11, moderate ED; 12 to 16, mild-moderate ED; 17 to 21, mild ED; and 22 to 25, no ED.
IIEF-5, the abridged five-item version of the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire; NS, nerve-sparing; SD, standard deviation; ED, erectile dysfunction.
a:p<0.05, tadalafil vs. non-tadalafil (Mann-Whitney U test).