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. 2013 Sep 13;36(1):4–21. doi: 10.1007/s10862-013-9385-y

Table 1.

Item loadings of a three-factor solution in the total sample as shown via an exploratory factor analysis with promax rotation along with cronbach’s alphas of the three factors

5 - Lies often to avoid problems .96 −.03 −.06
7 - Seems to see himself/herself as superior compared to others .71 .13 .10
9 - Often lies to get what he/she wants .93 .03 −.03
15 - Seems to lie more than other children of the same age .90 .07 −.02
18 - Is often superior and arrogant toward others .67 .26 .02
21 - To get people to do what he/she wants, he/she often finds it efficient to con them .84 −.02 .09
24 - Thinks that he/she is better than everyone at almost everything .68 .13 .11
26 - To frequently lie seems to be completely normal for him/her .88 .11 −.02
2 - Seldom expresses sympathy for others −.01 .91 −.08
4 - Usually does not seem to share others’ joy and sorrow −.02 .96 −.11
8 - Never seems to have bad conscience for things that he/she has done .24 .64 .09
11 - Often seems to be completely indifferent when other children are upset .08 .78 −.01
13 - Does not become upset when others are being hurt .04 .90 −.04
17 - Seldom remorseful when he/she has done something not allowed .21 .70 .10
20 - Often does not seem to care about what other people feel and think .14 .85 −.01
22 - Sometimes seems to completely lack the capability to feel guilt and remorse .21 .75 .07
25 - Never expresses feelings of guilt when he/she has done something not allowed .21 .76 .02
27 - Does not express guilt and remorse to the same extent as other children of the same age .17 .81 −.01
1 - Likes change and that things happen all the time .03 −.32 .87
3 - Often has difficulties with awaiting his/her turn −.13 .15 .85
6 - Seems to do certain things just for the thrill of it .36 .01 .53
10 - Provides himself/herself with different things very fast and eagerly .16 −.03 .74
12 - Often does things without thinking ahead .11 .21 .62
14 - Often consumes things immediately rather than saving them .13 .09 .57
16 - Seems to have a great need for change and excitement .20 −.13 .83
19 - Does not like waiting −.09 .09 .89
23 - Seems to get bored quickly −.03 .10 .82
28 - Quickly gets tired of things and wants new things to happen all the time −.13 .00 .97
Cronbach’s alpha (α)
 Total sample .91 .95 .92
 Boys .92 .95 .93
 Girls .90 .94 .91
 3-year-olds .89 .95 .93
 4-year-olds .91 .95 .92
 5-year-olds .92 .95 .92

Factor loadings larger than .40 are in boldface. GD grandiose-deceitful factor; CU callous-unemotional factor; INS impulsivity-need for stimulation factor. The number preceding the item indicates the order in which it is administered in the CPTI