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. 2014 Feb 25;8:8. doi: 10.3389/fnbot.2014.00008

Algorithm 1.

Incremental Ridge Regression with RBF Random Fourier Features.

Require: λ > 0, γ > 0, n > 0, D > 0
   1: A−1 ← λ−1 ID × D
   2: w0D × 1
   3: β0D × 1
   4: Ω ~ graphic file with name fnbot-08-00008-i0001.jpg(0, 2 γ)D × n
   5: b ~ graphic file with name fnbot-08-00008-i0002.jpg(0, 2π)D × 1
   6: for all (x, y) do
   7:   z2Dcos(Ωx+b) // random feature mapping
   8:   ŷwT z // predict label
   9:   ββ + zy
 10:   A1A1A1zzTA11+ zTA1z // Sherman–Morrison
 11:   wA−1β // update weights
 12:   yield ŷ
 13: end for