Figure 2.
Brain expressed isoforms have the longest 3′UTR extensions. (A) Median length (in nucleotides, Y-axis) of alternative 3′UTRs across 16 human tissues. The median across all non-neuronal tissues (219 nucleotides) is depicted as a horizontal dashed red line. (B) Median fold difference in expression (calculated as the number of reads per nucleotide of expressed sequence) of alternative relative to constitutive 3′UTR (Y-axis) across 16 tissues. The median across all non-neuronal tissues (median relative expression = 0.28) is depicted as a horizontal dashed red line. (C) G protein-coupled receptor 180 (GPR180; ENSG00000152749; chr13:95,277,556-95,288,768, red) expresses its longest 3′UTR in the brain. Alongside support for the expression of the only transcript annotated by ENSEMBL for this gene (ENST00000376958) our approach allowed the annotation of an isoform with an extended 3′UTR in the brain (CUFF.37893.2). Read density (black, Y-axis) across the last coding exons (black), the constitutive (blue) and extended (orange) portions of GPR180 3′UTR in brain, ovary, adrenal and testes.