Figure 5.
Characteristics of nerves supplying the lip papillae in Euperipatoides rowelli. Maximum projection confocal micrographs of a late stage VII embryo. (A,B) Head in dorsal and ventral views, respectively. Double-labeling with an acetylated α-tubulin antibody (green) and the DNA marker Bisbenzimide (blue). Note the first pair of lip papillae nerves (L1) that originates dorsally and projects ventrally to supply the anterior-most lip papillae (arrowheads). (C,D) Details of the same embryo as in (B). (C) Anti-acetylated α-tubulin immunolabeling (glow mode). Note the dense network of fibers formed by the second (L2) and third lip papillae nerves (L3). (D) The same portion of the embryo as in (C) but mirrored. The three lip papillae nerves (L1, L2, and L3, highlighted by artificial colors) were superimposed on the DNA-labeled surface of the head to illustrate their relationship to the lip papillae. (E) Ventral mouth portion of an embryo in ventral view to demonstrate the origin of the posterior most lip papilla (number 8) from a paired anlage (arrowheads). The lateral lip papillae surrounding the mouth opening are numbered. Note that the paired anlage occupies a position between the ventral and the preventral organs of the slime papilla segment. Phalloidin-rhodamine labeling. Abbreviations: at, antenna; ey, eye; fo, developing frontal organ; jn, jaw nerve; jw, jaw; L1–L3, lip papillae nerves 1–3; le1, first walking leg; po, preventral organ; rc, ring commissure; sn, slime papilla nerve; sp, slime papilla; to, tongue; vo, ventral organ. Scale bars: 100 μm (A–E).