Figure 2. Scheme showing the possible actions that a cell is able to perform in the model.
As long as the population size is below a prescribed maximum , it is first tested whether a cell is dead. If so, it undergoes lysis at a certain rate. Alive cells are classified according to CSCs and CCs; CCs die and are subject to lysis with a certain rate once they have performed the maximum number of cell divisions prescribed. CCs not having yet reached the maximum number of cell divisions and CSCs can undergo apoptosis. Those cells that do not go through apoptosis can migrate if free space is available. If they do not migrate and have sufficiently advanced in the cell cycle, they divide. If those cells have not yet reached the end of G2-phase, then they continue to progress in the cell cycle. Cells with no free space available at neighboring sites can only progress in the cell cycle. Concerning radiation effects, cells are picked randomly and killed according to the corresponding surviving cell fraction estimate. See Document S1 for details on the technical implementation of the model algorithm.