Palatines very short and posterior (posterior to M2) |
Large lacrimal facial process |
No contact between frontal and maxillary (rostrum) |
Infraorbital foramen anterior (above P3) and small |
Jugal extended anteriorly on the orbit at the expense of the maxillary |
Orbit posterior |
Zygomatic arches not strongly flared laterally |
Wide pterygoid fossa |
Alisphenoid canal absent |
Postglenoid foramen medial to postglenoid process |
Hypoglossal foramen present and double |
Hypoglossal foramen far distal to jugular foramen |
Occiput slightly inclined anteriorly |
Strong nuchal and sagittal crests |
Almond pointed shape of promontorium |
Fenestra cochleae and aquaeductus cochleae present |
Fenestra cochleae postero-medial to the fenestra vestibuli |
Fenestra cochleae vertical and elongated transversely |
Fenestra cochleae faces postero- laterally |
Epitympanic wing of the periotic medial to the promontorium absent |
Cochlear canal (aquaeductus cochleae) opens ventro-medially in the jugular fossa |
Well-developed caudal tympanic process of the petrosal |
Petrosal subarcuata fossa present, large and deep |
Inner ear: Spiral turns of the cochlea widely separated |
Inner ear: Subplanar coiling of the cochlea |
Inner ear: Large anterior semicircular canal |
Upper molars: Wide stylar shelf and presence stylar cusps (incl. D cusp) |
Upper molars: Parastyle well-developed and mesio-labially located |
Upper molars: Paracrista strong joining labially the parastyle |
Upper molars: conules distinct |
Upper molars: No hypocone |
P3-4: Metacone absent |
P3-4: No trace of transverse loph |
P3-4: Simplified |
Canine large |
Lower molars: Paraconid present, paracristid sharp, trigonid not compressed |
Lower jaw: No coronoid foramen |