On length scales long compared to the mean free path for inelastic electron-phonon scattering (beyond region A) the electronic and ionic degrees of freedom are assumed to approach approximately thermal distributions parametrized by identical (position-dependent) temperatures (elevated above the equilibrium temperature, T0, by an amount depending on the thermal path to “the environment”). In region B, the electronic distributions quasi-equilibrate into a local Fermi-Dirac thermal form, parametrized by a position-dependent electronic temperature, Te, greater than that of the ionic degrees of freedom. In region C, close to the ballistic junction relative to the mean free path for inelastic electron-electron scattering, the electronic distributions are non-thermal, resembling a linear combination of Fermi-Dirac distributions each with some electronic temperature Te and energetically offset from each other by the applied bias, eV. Transmission through the ballistic region is through channels of transmittances τi. Quantum corrections to the ballistic conductance can arise through quantum interference of trajectories (black and red) involving scattering off disorder in the diffusive electrodes within a coherence length of the ballistic region. The nonequilibrium electronic distribution in regions C and D can lead to nonequilibrium populations of local phonon modes.