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. 2014 Feb 11;16(2):e13. doi: 10.2196/jmir.2912

Table 1.

Categorical definitions of social media.

Service type Definition Example
Blog Short for “web log”: a blog is an easy-to-publish website where bloggers (authors of blogs) post information and essays in sequential order [22]. WordPress, Blogger
Microblog A tiny blog service that allows networks of users to send short updates to each other in less than 140 characters. Microblogs are considered a platform for information dissemination, social networking, and real-time communication [22]. Twitter, Identi
Social networking site A social networking site is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and visualizing social networks or social relations among people, who, for example, share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), their social links, and a variety of additional services [23]. Facebook, MySpace
Professional networking site A professional networking site is a type of social network service that is focused solely on interactions and relationships related to business or a person’s professional career [24]. LinkedIn, Sermo, Asklepios, Ozmosis, Drs Hangout, Doc2Doc
Thematic networking sites Social networking sites centered on a particular theme; for example disaster response, nursing, etc. These share many aspects of, and operate as a community of practice. Telehelp, Innocentive, 23andMe, PatientsLikeMeCureTogether
Wiki Wikis are used to denote communal websites where content can be quickly and easily edited. Wikis support collaboration and information sharing; feature multimedia, such as video, slides, photographs; and allow anyone to edit or are password protected [22]. Wikipedia, Fluwiki
Mashups A website that combines data and functionality from two or more services to create a new, value-added, service [25]. HealthMap, Google FluTrends
Collaborative filtering sites A website where information is filtered or collected according to patterns. Techniques involving collaboration among multiple agents, viewpoints, and data sources are often used. These agents engage through a variety of sites, through a process called crowdsourcing, where the crowds join forces for a common purpose [26]. Digg, Delicious
Media sharing sites A hosting service that allows individuals to upload and create galleries of photos, videos, and other digital media (eg, slide presentations). The host will then store them on a server and make them either publicly or privately available. SlideShare, YouTube, Flickr
Other Multi-User Virtual Environments, also known as Virtual Worlds Second Life