(A) Kymographs of GFP-tagged mouse TTC26 and IFT88 moving in cilia of mouse IMCD3 cells. These kymographs were assembled from Videos 7 and 8. Bars: 10 s (horizontal), 5 μm (vertical). (B) The mean IFT speeds of TTC26- and IFT88-GFP. TTC26-GFP (blue, n = 37 cilia, more than 200 particles) and IFT88-GFP (red, n = 43 cilia, more than 200 particles) showed similar speeds in both anterograde and retrograde movements. Error bars represent standard deviations. (C) TTC26/DYF13 physically associates with IFT complex B proteins in mouse cilia. Proteins obtained from tandem affinity purification of TTC26 were separated on an acrylamide gel and visualized by silver staining as shown. The identity of each protein bands as determined by mass spectrometry is indicated next to the band, with details given in Supplementary file 1A.