Fig 5. Effects of chronic CaMKII inhibition on frequency dependence of LV relaxation in isolated mouse heart with or without phospholamban.
A. Summary of -dP/dt min from 10 WT and 11 AC3-I mouse hearts. B. –dP/dt min at different pacing rates normalized by the -dP/dt min at 6 Hz in WT and AC3-I mouse hearts. C. Summary of -dP/dt min at different pacing rates in 8 PLN−/− and 9 PLN−/− x AC3-I mouse hearts. D. –dP/dt min at different pacing rate normalized by the -dP/dt min at 7 Hz in PLN−/− and PLN−/− x AC3-I mouse hearts. **P<0.01, *P<0.05 vs data at 6 Hz or 7 Hz; ##P<0.01, #P<0.05 vs AC3-I or PLN−/− x AC3-I.