Market entrance
-Supply control: authorities can reject approvals in terms of their referring levels capping bed density [28] -Service provision planning by each municipality as insurer & prefecture
-Not subject to authorities’ provision planning (-2006)
-No supply control under LTCI: LTCI funds must contract with any provider who meets quality standard [24].
-No supply control (-2006)
-Need planning: abolished
-Not-for-profit; small minority is municipal
- Majority is for-profit
-Mixed: for-profit & not-for-profit; minority is municipal
Financing LTCI
-Half by contributions & half by taxation [32] (Public payers: state, prefecture & municipality)
-Half by contributions and half by taxation [32] (Public payers: state, prefecture & municipality)
-Financed solely by contributions
Financing care fees
-Fees: publicly fixed
- Fees: publicly fixed under LTCI
-Before LTCI: fully financed based on cost- recovery-principle [23]
-Co-payment before LTCI: according to ability-to- pay principle
-Different according to eligible levels
-Fees: bargained between providers & social-assistance (SA) sponsor/LTCI funds etc.; reflecting facility’s individual costs for each eligible level
-Co-payment under LTCI: 10% of fees
- Co-payment: 10%
-Benefits under LTCI: publicly fixed and capped, according to eligible levels
-Different according to eligible levels under LTCI
-Care fees for PNHs are lower than that for IFs
-Users who cannot co- payment: eligible for SA
Financing hotel costs (accommodation & meals)
-Fees: Publicly fixed; not adjusted to local price/rent level
-Fees: market-based; set by facility
-Before LTCI: fully financed based on cost- recovery-principle [23]
- Co-payment: depending on room type and income
-Fully paid out-of-pocket
-Fees: individually bargained between LTC fund and facility (provider) based on costs [33]
-After 2005, middle and high income users are no longer subsidized & pay full price set by facility out-of-pocket
-Not subsidized
-Fully paid out-of-pocket -Users who cannot co- payment: eligible for SA
-Users who cannot co-payment eligible for SA
Interests of insured persons
Preferable to other residential facilities due to higher subsidies, not-for-profit status & no time-limits [34]
More expensive alternative to IFs
-SA-recipients: preferable to other services due to higher subsidies
-Not-SA-recipients: more expensive than home care due to considerable out- of-pocket payments [24]
Interests of authorities (J) & LTCI funds (G)
Economic incentive to constrain IF supply & fees, but politically for need-oriented provision
Economically preferable due to lower benefits & almost no subsidy compared to IFs
No strong economic incentive to constrain fees & expenditures
Subsidy for (initial) capital costs
- Amount is based on a national standard [28]
-Before LTCI: directly paid (only to not-for-profit facilities)
-Paid directly by state
-Under LTCI: capital costs are fully financed by users separately from hotel costs; low- income users are subsidized for capital costs
-Sometimes additionally subsidized depending on municipal decision
-Land acquisition subsidized decreasingly
-24% of LTC beneficiaries use IFs (2009; calculated based on official data [35])
-4% of LTC beneficiaries (2009; incl. PNH-similar facilities; calculated based on official data [35])
-30% of LTC beneficiaries (2009) [27]
-LTCI gave a boost in development of PNHs
Clientele with LTCI benefits |
- Eligible persons assessed as heavily independent
All LTC eligible persons |
-All LTC eligible persons
- Low-income users as majority |
- SA-recipients: about 80/30% of users (before /under LTCI) [24,36] |