Table 3.
Summary statistics for equation 3* comparing 56 municipalities in Tokyo and 54 municipalities in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW)
IF in Tokyo
Mean | (Standard deviation) | Mean | (Standard deviation) | |
Dependent variables
Change in bed-densitya |
-0.95 |
(9.56) |
-0.64 |
(5.89) |
Explanatory variables
Costs/cost relevant |
Average size of new facilities (beds) |
95.54 |
(26.98) |
89.7 |
(67.55) |
LTA land price for T (¥1000 s)/LTA rent-level for N |
341.03 |
(285.98) |
3.11 |
(1.02) |
LTA wage of elderly care nurse for T (¥1000 s)/LTA duration for care nurse search for Nb (days) |
205.05 |
(8.92) |
54.3 |
(15.08) |
Need |
LTA percent elderlyc needing LTC |
15.70 |
(1.94) |
14.5 |
(1.87) |
LTA growth rate of elderlyc needing LTC |
7.01 |
(2.21) |
2.89 |
(5.24) |
Profit/political intervention (control variables) |
Initial bed-densitya of IF |
32.21 |
(43.59) |
48.3 |
(8.79) |
LTA bed-densitya of PNH |
3.95 |
(4.11) |
- |
- |
Densitya of subsidized beds |
1.45 |
(2.94) |
- |
- |
Demand (control variables) |
LTA percent elderlyc |
18.12 |
(4.46) |
18 |
(1.50) |
LTA growth rate of elderlyc |
4.16 |
(1.95) |
2.04 |
(0.76) |
LTA residential tax for T (¥1000 s)/LTA disposable income for N (€1000 s) |
117.63 |
(64.52) |
17.7 |
(1.72) |
N | 46-56 | 50-54 |
aBed density: number of beds per 1000 elderly adults aged 65 years and over.
bVacancy duration for search of skilled care: time taken for an employer to find a skilled elderly care nurse.
cElderly persons: those aged 65 years and over.
*Equation 3. Supply under LTCI: ΔBDi = βBDi0 + βXi + βYi + βZi + α + e. ΔBid: change in bed density between the year shortly after LTCI introduction and the recent year in municipality i; BDi0: bed-density shortly before introducing LTCI in municipality i; β: coefficients; α: constant; e: error with zero mean; X: variables for costs; Y: variables for need; Z: control variables.