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. 2013 Aug 18;33(3):419–427. doi: 10.1007/s10067-013-2312-5

Table 5.

Various therapies and recorded outcome in 32 cases with different ADAMTS 13 activity

Various therapies ADAMTS 13 activity ADAMTS 13 activity ADAMTS 13 activity ADAMTS 13 activity
(<5 % of normal) (10–25 %) (25–50 %) (>50 %)
(N = 13) (N = 2) (N = 12) (N = 5)
PE alone NR NR 1 died 1 Rfa
ST and (or) cytotoxics NR 1 Rm 1 Rm 1 Rfa
PE + ST pulse therapy 7 Rm, 2 Rfa 1 Rm 1 Rm NR
2 died
PE + cytotoxics 1 Rm NR 1 Rm NR
PE + ST pulse therapy + cytotoxics 2 Rm NR 6 Rm 1 Rm
Rituximab + PE with or without ST (or cytotoxics) 1 Rm NR 2 Rm 3 Rm

PE plasma exchange and (or) hematodialysis and (or) plasma infusion, ST steroids (glucocorticoids), mostly with pulse methylprednisolone therapy, cytotoxics including cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate mofetil, vincristine, cyclosporine A, and methotrexate, rTM recombinant human soluble thrombomodulin, Rf refractory, Rm remission, NR not reported

aThe patient was refractory to one therapy but achieved remission by additional therapy such as cytotoxics or rituximab