FIGURE 8. JNK activity is necessary for JunD activation by GADD45β.
A, extracts from C-28/I2 cells expressing GADD45β-FLAG or siRNA-GADD45β were analyzed by Western blotting using antibodies against phosphorylated (phospho) or total JunD. GADD45β-expressing cells were also treated with inhibitors of ERK (PD98059), p38 (SB203580), and JNK (SP600125) to examine the roles of the different kinases in JunD phosphorylation by GADD45β. B, kinase activities were analyzed on Western blots to show increased JNK (phospho-c-Jun) and ERK (phospho-Elk) activities in GADD45β-FLAG cells and decreased activities in cells expressing siRNA-GADD45β. Note that p38 activity (phospho-ATF-2) did not change.