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. 2014 Jan-Feb;89(1):83–90. doi: 10.1590/abd1806-4841.20142172


Comparison of Acne-QoL-Br domain scores between test and retest after seven days without any treatment

Domain Test Retest p
  P25 Median P75 P25 Median P75  
Self-perception 7 9 14 7 9 20 0.063
Role-social 6 9 12 6 10 19 0.333
Role-emotional 7 9 15 6 13 16 0.362
Acne symptoms 7 11 15 11 14 19 0.069

Legend: Acne-QoL-Br = Brazilian-Portuguese version of acne-specific quality of life questionnaire; P = percentile

p < 0.05

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure