Figure 4. Dox fluorescence in tumors as a validation of triggered release of drug by ultrasound-mediated hyperthermia.
a–b) Hyperspectral optical imaging presented as both unmixed composite (left panels) of Dox fluorescence (green) and background (purple) and in Dox spectrum (right panels) with white indicating Dox fluorescence intensity (white indicates higher fluorescent intensity). a) In vivo images of NDL tumor-bearing mice injected with CuDox-LTSLs combined with insonation of right tumor at 42 °C for 5 min prior to and 20 min after injection (left) and without insonation (middle) and the control mouse injected with saline (right). Image was acquired ~30 min after injection, b) Ex-vivo images of the heart and tumors of a mouse treated with CuDox-LTSLs combined with insonation of one tumor (left) at 42 °C for 5 min prior to and either 40 min (i) or 20 min (ii) post injection. Images were acquired immediately after ultrasound and ~30 min post drug administration. c) Dox accumulation in mouse heart and tumors quantified after ~30 min post injection of CuDox-LTSLs. Dox was administrated at a concentration of 6 mg/kg body weight. Statistical analyses were performed using one-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey Post Hoc test. ***p<0.001.