Figure 3.
pdNAD-MDH is a plastidial protein expressed during embryogenesis. Dissected embryos (A) and isolated leaf mesophyll protoplasts (B) of plants expressing a pdNAD-MDH-eYFP fusion protein under control of the endogenous pdNAD-MDH promoter. Left to right, eYFP fluorescence, chlorophyll autofluorescence, DIC, and merged pictures. Embryos at globular-to-heart transition (A, top), torpedo (A, middle), and mature (A, bottom) stages. eYFP fluorescence is visible at all these stages, and chlorophyll fluorescence appears only after the globular-to-heart transition stage. Chlorophyll and eYFP fluorescence colocalize in chloroplasts (B). Protoplasts isolated from leaves 4 h after dawn. Bar in A = 50 µm; bar in B = 20 µm.