Expression patterns of Arabidopsis BSL genes. GUS expression is shown in representative 10-d-old T3 seedlings and mature flowers of ProBSL1:GUS (A and B), ProBSL2:GUS (E and F), ProBSL3:GUS (I and J), and ProBSU1:GUS (M and N). Bar = 2 mm. Localization of GFP-tagged versions of BSL1 (C and D), BSL2 (G and H), BSL3 (K and L), and BSU1 (O and P) is shown, expressed transiently in N. benthamiana leaves (C, G, K, and O) or stably in 4-d-old etiolated T2 Arabidopsis seedlings (D, H, L, and P). Bar = 100 µm. [See online article for color version of this figure.]