Figure 10. Weighting of the recruitment and selection principles accounts for overall complexity.
X. Ratio complexity. Overall ratio complexity of the different coordination clusters in simple (left-hand panel) and choice (right-hand panel) MUL-RT is estimated based on the absolute time-duration measures. Y. Overall processing complexity is extrapolated, based on the ordinal scales of recruitment and selection complexity. Overall ordinal complexity (middle bold arrow) is extrapolated from the association of the number (left regular arrow) (3L = 4L>2L>1L) and interaction (right regular arrow) (2L-DIAG>3L>2L-IPSI>1L = 2L-HOM>4L) ordinal complexity. The arrows indicate the direction of increased complexity. Length of the arrows represents the relative contribution (weight) of each principle to the overall complexity of the task. This relative contribution determines the order of the coordination clusters’ overall complexity as indicated by red horizontal bars where dotted lines cross the bold arrow. In simple RTs, the recruitment complexity is more heavily weighted than selection complexity. As a consequence, overall ordinal complexity in the simple RT condition follows the pattern of recruitment complexity. From simple to choice MUL-RT, the contribution/weighting of selection complexity increases relative to recruitment complexity (increased length of the selection complexity but not recruitment complexity arrow). As a result overall complexity in the choice MUL-RT (3L>2L-DIAG>4L = 2L-IPSI>2L-HOM>1L) is no longer solely governed by the recruitment principle but reflects a similar contribution from the recruitment and selection principles (similar length of the arrows). Extrapolated complexity of the different coordination clusters matches the ones observed in the ratio scale for both the simple and choice MUL-RT. Therefore, overall complexity of a given coordination cluster in a given RT condition can be explained by a weighted combination of the recruitment and selection principles. (L = limb; DIAG = diagonal; IPSI = ipsilateral; HOM = homologous; NS = non-significant difference; * = significant difference).