Characterization of mCD40LMP1 Tg B-cell-specific TRAF6-deficient mice. (A) Splenic B cells from TRAF6-sufficient or TRAF6-deficient mCD40LMP1-negative (first three lanes) or mCD40LMP1 Tg (right lane) mice were lysed and examined for TRAF6 expression via western blot. Shown are the levels of TRAF6 and LMP1, with actin as a loading control (mCD40LMP1, ~72 kD). (B) Quantification of the samples shown in A, with protein levels of TRAF6 normalized to actin. (C) TRAF6+/+ mCD40LMP1-negative, TRAF6−/− mCD40LMP1-negative, TRAF6+/+ mCD40LMP1 Tg and TRAF6−/− mCD40LMP1 Tg mouse spleen weight expressed as a percentage of mouse weight. Each point represents one mouse. (D) Similar to C, except the combined weight of four LNs normalized to mouse weight is shown. *Statistical differences as determined by the Student’s unpaired t-test, P < 0.05.